The eventful journey of school education in the face of the pandemic

This was not a story that we had planned to tell! We were talking to over 20 Principals and Administrators across Kerala and Karnataka to understand the future of school transportation. As we listened to them, we were able to grasp how school education had faced an existential crisis as the lockdown came to an end in early May.

Principals, Administrators and most importantly teachers became heroes and students and parents became critical character actors in this story. Tech companies played the role of supporting actors – very well this time around! However, no story is complete without a villain and Infrastructure or more precisely the lack of it played that role to perfection.

The Background

The previous academic year ended with a whimper. The start of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent nationwide lockdown announced starting March 25th were both sudden and urgent. Many schools could not finish the annual exams which were an integral part of the student evaluation process every year.  Teachers, administrators, parents and students were left feeling that the year had to be closed out with a job half finished. 

Empty classrooms
Classrooms were empty by end of March 2020 (credit: Roomtodiscover)

While the lockdown came to an end in early May, the pandemic did not. As the number of Coronavirus cases surged across the country, the Ministry of Health decided to keep school campuses closed. To understand how schools reacted to the challenges posed by the pandemic, we talked to the Principals and Administrators over 20 schools across South India. The cross section of schools included international schools, private schools from urban and rural locations and schools receiving government aid.

The Ministry of Health deciding to take a cautious approach, it became clear to schools that re-opening may be further delayed. Teachers and administrators were left scrambling to identify alternate ways of teaching. It became clear that most children would not be allowed to leave their homes for the academic year. Distance education seemed to be the only option out and online learning seemed to offer one of the few plausible solutions. However, schools had to surmount significant challenges to make this transition from in school learning to distance learning.

Challenges in moving to Distance Learning

Very few schools had strong IT departments with prior experience handling online learning. Many of them lacked the basic infrastructure which was a pre-requisite for distance learning – including high speed wireless connectivity across both their campuses and the homes of their teachers, laptops for their teaching staff, Learning Management software to manage coursework and additional software to get student feedback and homework. Administrators and Principals were also left with a limited amount of time to train their teachers on executing distance learning effectively. This was further complicated by teachers having to work from home during this period.

Around 30% of our respondents, primarily international schools and private schools were slightly ahead of the curve. They had implemented a robust framework for digital learning from their campuses over the previous few years. This included ensuring broadband connectivity on campuses, enabling teachers and students with laptops or tablets, implementing a Learning management software and enabling students with school email. These schools clearly had a head start in the race to transition to distance learning.

Everyone steps up to make a smooth transition

Despite the challenges detailed above, all private and international schools in urban areas which were behind also caught up to their counterparts quickly. The IT teams worked overtime to bridge this gap. Administrators and Principals led the drive for an eco-system for a smooth transition to distance learning. However, they needed to ensure that both teachers and students were able to make this journey.

While many teachers were digitally savvy, others were not. However, they went about the transition from a physical environment to a virtual environment with gusto. Gone were the black and white boards which were replaced by online presentations or Learning Management Software. Classrooms were replaced by Zoom or Teams screens. Assignments were delivered online and graded virtually. 

It was an easier for the children to become digitally savvy to make the transition to a distance learning model. They were required to have dedicated laptops or tablets with high speed broadband connectivity. Parents were also expected to be available to support students in this transition. This was critical to the success of this transition as children migrated from physical campuses with friends, physical interaction and blackboards to 14” screens which contained their entire schooling experience. 

Digital learning for children
Kids adapted quickly to distance learning (credit: Businessworld)

Tools and enablers

They journey to distance learning was also supported by the tools that were needed to make it successful. Software being widely available on the cloud on a subscription model made the transition easy and effective. Schools did not have to invest huge amounts of money of developing software for this transition. They effectively leveraged online Learning Management Systems like Google classrooms to develop and share the day’s lectures with students. They conducted classes on conferencing platforms like Zoom, Teams and Hangouts. They leveraged apps like See-Saw, Flipgrid and Padlet to for assignment submissions. 

It is also important to note that the wide availability of broadband connections across urban locations made the transition easier. Effective 4G connections have also been leveraged to make distance learning a success.

Succeeding in distance learning

International schools and Private schools in urban areas successfully made a transition to a distance learning model. However, schools in rural locations had a tougher time. They were unable to surmount infrastructural challenges which included availability of dedicated devices and high-speed broadband access on campus, at teachers’ and students’ homes. This was further complicated by multiple power outages every day. Rural parents also preferred waiting for campuses to re-open in place of a watered-down distance learning model. In our interviews, very few schools have been able to surmount this challenge.

Schools receiving government aid have also not had an easy transition. Governments like those in Kerala have asked these schools to avoid online learning. Instead, the Kerala government is offering classes for free via Television channels dedicated to education. Both students and teachers sit through the same classes on television. Teachers communicate to students via their parents’ whatssap accounts summarising the day’s classes and sending them homework. Students are required to respond via whatssap to their teachers. This approach is also seeing limited success since it is challenging for teachers to even monitor if students attend classes via television.

The downsides of sustained distance learning

Distance learning does not come without challenges. Teachers are facing a stressful time handling teaching online, preparing for the next day’s classes and grading assignments all the while managing their own households and families as they work from home. One school indicated that 2% of their teachers had opted out for the school year due to this added stress and were open to re-joining when school re-opens. Students are complaining of headaches due to increased screen time and having a difficult time reconciling to 14” screens as a very poor substitute to their schooling experience.

The impact on school fees

The relatively successful transition of International Schools and Private schools to distance learning has put them in a relatively better position. The continuity in offering distance education has enabled them to collect between 40% and 90% in term 1. All the schools we talked to have managed to retain their entire teaching staff and support staff (some at lower salaries). They have also had to strengthen their IT teams to deal with distance education. This transition is also not without challenges. Urban and International schools have significantly higher operating costs in comparison to Rural schools and even minor shortfalls in school fees may have a significant impact on their operations. Schools have also been taking an empathetic view and offering support where needed to parents who have lost jobs or have financial difficulties on a case by case basis.

             In contrast, Rural Schools and Government aided schools are in a much weaker position. The challenges in providing effective distance education has translated into significant challenges in collecting fees. The Rural schools we talked to were only able to collect between 1% and 20% of the term fees. To make matters worse, they are also facing challenges in students dropping out. Parents of students who were working in the middle east or metro cities have lost their jobs are preferring to move their children to Government schools. These schools are facing significant challenges in sustaining operations.

Getting kids back to school

Only 10% of schools we talked to were anticipating a staggered re-opening starting October, 2020. Unlock 4.0 has been a pleasant surprise to most. It allows schools to bring back students from classes 9th to 12th with explicit permission from their parents. This will only be half the battle as schools learn to put in place stringent safety norms to ensure the safety of their students, teachers and staff as Covid 19 rages around the country.

             Over 80% of our respondents did not anticipate re-opening of primary schools and kindergartens this year. Challenges in young children wearing masks for extended period of time, difficulty in ensuring that all physical interaction among kids in school and most importantly convincing parents to send these young children to school contributed to their outlook.  

             Rural schools anticipate a quicker transition to successful school re-openings. Parents in rural areas have been requesting schools to re-open and appear more willing to send children to school in comparison to their counterparts in cities. The lack of infrastructure for distance learning will also fuel a quicker transition back to schools re-opening in rural areas. However, they will also have to deal with the strict norms that will be detailed by the Ministry of Health. This may necessitate many of the measures we detailed above for urban schools to make school re-opening a reality.


             This pandemic has brought out the best in our private schooling system. All schools agree that distance learning far from an optimal solution. However, they are trying to make the best out of current challenging situation. Most of them have worked very hard to ensure continuity of education despite the circumstances. On the one side, Principals, Administrators, Teachers, IT and Support staff have all stepped up to make this happen. On the other, students and parents have also adapted to distance learning. This bodes well for learning to become more immersive with a combination of physical and digital tools once schools go back to operating normally.

             We acknowledge that this article primarily addresses the excellent response to the pandemic by private and international schools. However, we also recognise that Rural schools, Government schools and Government aided schools have been left behind in the movement towards distance learning. As the economy recovers from the pandemic, it is time for the Government to give serious thought into ensuring continuity of education for all children. The National Education Policy (NEP) should not just address the right to education but also the continuity of education to all children across India. 

             What has been your experience as a parent in distance learning?  We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!!!

Tags: #Onlinelearning, #Distanceeducation, #Education

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