CV Sales face unexpected speed bump in August 2021. The semi conductor shortage has had a significant impact on SCV sales which in turn has hit overall sales of CVs significantly. The SCV segment de-grew by (7%) vs August last year and (18%) vs July 2021. All other segments continued to be on a growth path in comparison to both LY and Last month.
CV Sales by manufacturer
Tata Motors, VE Commercial Vehicles and Ashok Leyland posted strong growth vs. August ’20 and July ’21. However, Maruti posted a drop vs. July ’21 and Mahindra posted a significant de-growth. The shortage of semi conductors has significantly impacted the supply of vehicles which has in turn significantly impacted sales. Mahindra anticipates the shortage to impact sales for a few more months and has announced plant shutdowns in anticipation in September already. We expect this to impact the SCV segment sales for the next few months.
SCV sales
The SCV segment was impacted most significantly due to the drop in sales for Mahindra. While other manufacturers posted strong growth between 13% and 31%, the sales drop at Mahindra impacted SCV sales causing a de-growth of (7%). The segment was up only 62% YTD this year, the lowest across all segments with CV.
I&LCV Sales
The I&LCV segment posted an impressive growth of over 100% vs. August 2020. Mahindra posted a growth of 153% followed by Tata Motors at 130% and VECV at 74%. The I&LCV segment was also up an impressive 170% YTD.
M&HCV sales
The M&HCV segment also posted an impressive growth of over 100% in August 2021. All manufacturers posted impressive growth led by Tata Motors and VECV with growth of 113% followed by Ashok Leyland at 80%. This segment has been the best performer this year with a growth of over 250% YTD.
Bus sales
The bus segment also posted a nominal growth of 21% against an already low base. This segment continues to struggle with schools being shut, route permit operations being limited and staff operations only operating partially. However, this segment is also up 121% year to date.
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